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Credit Risk Management

Review and build a credit risk management plan and assist in adjusting  procedures



Business organizations,  are usually focused on business development and growth. Most of the efforts, resources and attentions are directed to developing and improving products/ services and selling them.

It is highly important to review, build and assemble an adequate credit risks management program. These risks are  derived from the company's client debts (Account Receivable) – Most likely to be the highest asset on the balance sheet.

Incerto' s services includes:

  • Reviewing the conduct of the company in credit allocations to it's customers, including: credit allocation procedures, terms of payment, monitoring, securities etc.

  • Updating a proposed risk management program to be assembled.

  • Supporting and advising on  major issues regarding credit risks decisions to be made- decisions that could influence strategic aspects of the company.

  • Supporting and advising to companies that conduct or wished to conduct a credit committee as credit  risks managing and monitoring tool.

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