Credit Insurance Broker
& Trade Credit Specialist
Insurance | Risk Management Financing
Credit Risks Management Program
Business organizations, are usually focused on business development and growth. Most of the efforts, resources and attentions are directed to developing and improving product/ services and selling them.
It is highly important to review, build and assemble an adequate credit risks management program. These risks are derived from the company's client debts (Account Receivable) – Most likely to be the highest asset on the balance sheet.
Incerto' s services includes:
Reviewing the conduct of the company in credit allocations to it's customers, including: credit allocation procedures, terms of payment, monitoring, securities etc.
Updating a proposed risk management program to be assembled.
Supporting and advising on major issues regarding credit risks decisions to be made- decisions that could influence strategic aspects of the company.
Supporting and advising to companies that conduct or wished to conduct a credit committee as credit risks managing and monitoring tool.
Credit insurance
The effectiveness of credit insurance policy related to the policyholder's needs is changing from time to time- The policyholder's strategic, exposure, clients' portfolio, acquisition, business sector's risks, etc. -All are changing and volatile. The insurer's influential factors are also changing as strategies, credit capacity , risks appetite, economic and business environment etc could all be volatile.
It is important to get and maintain a long term optimal credit insurance policy that will support the company's business at all times.
Incerto's credit insurance support services includes:
Learning and Understanding the policyholder's business and credit insurance needs to customize optimal program..
Periodic check up of the policy, making adjustments if needed and making sure it matches the companies updated needs.
Professional experienced understanding of the insurers 'language' and perspective.
Professional contacts with insurers from Israel and from abroad, supports access the optimal solutions.
Supporting the contact with insurers on major issues- significant change of credit facility to a strategic clients, major claims handling , managing major debt repayments agreement etc.
Incerto was founded as an independent activity by Adi Ben Atar in order to provide professional and experienced services that supports companies in trade credit and finance.
Adi holds more than 20 years of experience that was gained while working for Clal Credit Insurace Ltd - An Israeli credit insurance company held by Clal Insurance ( 80%) and Atradius (20%).
Over more than 10 years , Adi held the positions of EVP and Deputy Ceo , managing and leading core activities of the company- Credit Risks Management, Customers Relations ,Sales and Business Development.
Adi holds a B.A of Administrations and Economics and an MBA in Business Administrations, Majored in Finance.
At the end of 2008, during the financial crisis, Adi was exposed to the book- The Black Swan, written by the Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The book is one of four books written by Mr. Taleb (The Black Swan, Fooled by Randomness, Anti fragile and Skin In The Game)-The series is called INCERTO.
Some of the Author's Ideas, together with facing credit risks in reality led to an approach and a view towards trade credit risks ( and information) analyzing, handling and managing. We cannot avoid all risks but we sure should reduce those we can observe and protect from those we cannot foresee. It is a strategic approach.